In 2018, the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017” became Federal law. The mission of the U.S. Center for Safesport is to make the athlete well-being the centerpiece of our nation’s sports culture. All athletes deserve to participate in sports free from bullying, hazing, sexual misconduct, or any form of emotional or physical abuse. Education and awareness are the most critical components to creating safe and respectful sporting environments, free of abuse and harassment.
Little League Baseball and Softball has always strived to create a safe and healthy environment for all Little Leaguers and their families. There are certain requirements from the SafeSport Act that Little League International and all local little league programs must adhere to.
Hosted by former Major Leaguer, David Ross, the Abuse Awareness for Adults course provides resources to create a positive and safe environment for all athletes, coaches, parents, umpires, and spectators by understanding how to recognize misconduct and abuse of all types. Topics covered include how to identify and report incidents and what abuse awareness policies should be in place.